Thursday, February 4, 2010

More ebay goodies going up tonight

I am listing 15 or so auctions on ebay tonight.
Some of the items are pictured above.
You can go straight to my auctions on ebay by clicking here
To contact me directly please email boathome@bigpond.net.au


  1. Love the white planter!

  2. Love the corner shelf. And the "beach" chair is awesome. They're so popular in England, but I don't remember seeing even one on the beach here!

  3. They're great items. I should ebay some of my stuff that is over flowing out of the house/cupboards! You have the nicest treasures. Mel xxx

  4. Just gorgeous and those Japanese crackers are too cute. Am in the middle of negotations for a move closer to the city. It is hard to leave my little cottage on the bay but a place closer to the city does have its benefits (and a new decorating scheme to consider)


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